Friday, May 25, 2012

Museum Of Fine Arts, Boston MA

I have been at Wentworth for 4 years now and I grew up in Massachusetts and have been to the MFA more times in my life then I can remember. I took field trips then when I was in Middle and High school. I was younger then and didn't have as much appreciation for it as I do now, but every time I go there I learn something new, something different. Today we walked through and talked about, Egypt, Greece, and the renaissance. We looked at painting, sculptures, carvings, pottery etc. I sat there and listened and learned about all these different things. And as I listen I just kept thinking, wow how many times have I been here and walked past all this art not even knowing what I was looking at. 
Art has always fascinated me and I loved learning about and as I look back on my life I wish I took more time or more classes to learn about it, understand the meaning and why this is that way it is and how it has influenced our lives today. With out art we wouldn't even know a lot about history and they way people lived back then, we wouldn't know what they looked liked, and how they perceived the world. 

I see the MFA to ways, one way is through the eyes of a Designer and the other is through the eyes of an artist. I have been to the MFA to learn about the art pieces, to draw the art sculptures, to look at the lighting, to look at textiles, to look at interior details, to look at the design. It has been great living so close to the MFA because I get to learn about not only the art that is being displayed but everything else that was put into the making of such a great museum. Now everytime I go there I appreciate the space, I observe different aspects of the spaces that I enter. While yes the art is the main reason people go to a museum but the museum is so much more then that. It about the details that go into to making it, the sequence of spaces and how a person moves from one room the the next, and the lighting both natural and artificial and how that impacts the space and the art.
Below are some sketches that I have drawn over the years while visiting the MFA.

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